Laura Radu
Laura Radu is a psychologist with right of independent practice in special psychopedagogy, trained in hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy. She also teaches music courses, [...]
Miriam Ghețea
Miriam Ghețea has graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, being specialized in Special Psychopedagogy. She is a psychopedagogist and ABA therapist, [...]
Adriana Boriceanu
Adriana Boriceanu became familiarized with the field of ABA therapy over 16 years ago, as a psychology student. Currently, she is a graduate of [...]
Lăcrămioara Petre
Lăcrămioara Petre is an anthropologist who is working as a researcher at “Francisc I. Rainer” Institute of Anthropology of Romanian Academy for over 20 years. [...]
Veronica Sîrbu
Veronica Sîrbu is a clinical psychologist, specialized in applied behavior analysis, who is the co-founder of the “Puzzle Kids” center in the Republic of [...]
Ioana Horez
Ioana Horez is a psychologist with over 5 years of experience in working with children which manifest delays in their development. Ioana is currently [...]